[heckel NEWSLETTER] 2023년 6월호

마케팅팀 2023.06.21 조회 412


1) New clinical study "Potential of Moderate Whole Body Hyperthermia to Enhance Response (POWER)" at Charite University Berlin

A total of six different patient groups are included in the randomized phase II study, all with palliative therapy intentions (defined subgroups of patients with metastatic malignant melanoma, pancreatic ca, breast ca, sarcoma, head&neck ca, prostate ca).

Primary outcome measure is the change in the number of circulating tumor cells before therapy vs after therapy. Secondary outcome measures are among others tumor response, quality of life including depressions and fatigue, various biomarkers relevant for immune response and tumor microenvironment, survival and progression-free survival rate.


Responsibility for the study: PD Dr. med. Sebastian Zschaeck from Department of Radiation Oncology and Radiotherapy.


Get more detailed information in the clinical trial registry: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05821166


Contacts for referring patients:

Sebastian Zschaeck, MD; +49-30-450650764, sebastian.zschaeck@charite.de             

Julian Weingaertner, MD; +49-30-450657057, julian.weingaertner@charite.de


2) Publication on the relationship between cytokines measured in plasma and the antidepressant effect after mild-moderate whole-body hyperthermia

New publication on the relationship between plasma cytokines and antidepressant response after mild-moderate whole-body hyperthermia:


Flux MC et al: Association of plasma cytokines and antidepressant response following mild-intensity whole-body hyperthermia in major depressive disorder. Transl Psychiatry. 2023 Apr 21;13(1):132;

open access https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10121589/

In 2016, Janssen et al. in JAMA Psychiatry reported a randomized clinical trial (RCT) on the antidepressant effect of a single mild-moderate whole-body hyperthermia (GHT) treatment in drug-naïve patients, which showed a strong and unexpectedly long-lasting effect.


The blood samples from this study have now been evaluated retrospectively. The hypothesis of a decrease in IL-6 could not be confirmed, on the contrary, an increase in IL-6 was the only significant effect of GHT on cytokine levels. Interestingly, this increase correlated positively with the antidepressant effect. This unexpected finding and the pleiotropic properties of IL-6 are discussed extensively in the Discussion section.


The RCT, published in JAMA Psychiatry 2016, was a groundbreaking pilot that has generated significant interest in the topic. However, there were some significant limitations, in particular the small number of participants of 15 vs. 14 patients.

The study motivated other academic institutions to carry out similar study protocols (KEM Essen: HYPE1 and HYPE2, Charite Berlin: GKH-D). These studies were severely delayed due to the Corona crisis, but the studies in Essen are almost complete. Numerous biomarkers were also recorded in these, which enable a comparison with the data that has now been published.

3) Award for a Portuguese publication on the use of whole-body hyperthermia to reduce traumatic and depressive symptoms in accident victims

The publication appeared in Portuguese in 2022.

Queirós C, Oliveira S, Fonseca SM, Faria S, Cunha S: HIPERTERMIA NA REDUÇÃO DE SINTOMAS TRAUMÁTICOS E DEPRESSIVOS EM PROFISSIONAIS ENVOLVIDOS EM ACIDENTES. territory 29 (II), 2022, 53-66. OPEN ACCESS: https://impactum-journals.uc.pt/territorium/article/view/9296/8884, English abstract.

In a pilot study, moderate whole-body hyperthermia led to a reduction in traumatic and depressive symptoms - in particular sleep disorders - in professionals involved in accidents (e.g. train drivers after suicides on the rails).


The psychologist Prof. Cristina Queiros (Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto) has now received the renowned "Science2022" prize for this publication, which was presented at the VI Congresso Internacional de Riscos (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 23-26 May 2023): https://noticias.up.pt/professora-e-investigadora-da-fpceup-vence-premio-premio-ciencia-2022/

4) DEGRO 2023 – 22.-24. June in Kassel: Presentation of the thermography-controlled wIRA surface hyperthermia

At the 29th Congress of the German Society for Radiation Oncology (DEGRO) from 22.-24. June in Kassel, heckel will be presenting the thermography-controlled wIRA surface hyperthermia (hydrosun®TWH1500) at booth K1 (next to the poster area). We are looking forward to your visit!


5) Sep 26, 2023 - September 29, 2023: Two overlapping congresses with heckel participation - ESHO Annual Meeting in Cologne and WOCOIO Integrative Oncology Congress in Stuttgart/Ludwigsburg

From Sep 26, 2023 - Sep 29, 2023, two interesting congresses will unfortunately overlap:

35th ESHO Meeting (European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology) in Cologne,


WOCOIO - WORLD CONGRESS OF INTEGRATIVE ONCOLOGY in Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg, organized by ESIO - European Society for Integrative Oncology e.V.,


heckel is a sponsor at both congresses and is represented with a stand.


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